REOVIB Accelerometers SW

IP54 or IP20

REO Schwingfoerdertechnik Beschleunigungssenssoren SW



Data sheet

All data and configurations can be found in our product data sheet.

REOVIB Accelerometers SW

IP 54, IP 65, Aluminum Case


Sensor for measuring accelerations in the range of 0 … 35 g (frequency dependent). The sensor includes a piezoelectric element with a downstream amplifier acceleration . The accelerations are detected by the piezoelectric element and converted into a voltage proportional to the acceleration.

The amplifier takes the measurement signal in a form of 100 /150/ 300 /600/ 2000 mV / g. All components are housed in a robust aluminum housing and completely sealed. The electrical connection is via a 4-wire (or 3 -wire), shielded cable. The shield must be grounded at the signal processing device .


  • Aluminum Case
  • Low-cost versions Available
  • For harsh Environmental conditions ( optional)
  • Low weight
  • Plug + Play functionality with REOVIB MFS 168 + 268 controllers and measuring devices REOVIB 6050 and 6100

Technical specifications

Suitable for this product

REO Schwingfoerdertechnik Programmierbare Phasenanschnitt­steuerung REOVIB MTS 441


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